Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fall and Halloween

Fall and Halloween

Its that time that I love! The in-between! When temperatures are mild, the trees start to color, and there is a particular scent in the air that tells you it is fall!

The only bad thing is that it is way too short. :(
I snapped the picture below on my way out in the morning, I thought it was particularly pretty to see the frost all over the ground yet these flowers are still kicking. Unfortunately, by the time I posted this entry the flowers are dead...ode to the summer finally spent! :(

I know Halloween isnt as big over in Sweden, but we can always bring a little spook along with us. Some friends and I had our annual (for 2 years so far) Halloween pumpkin carving party complete with pumpkin (or relatives) inspired dishes and mulled wine! Yummm!

Its also traditional to play a classic Halloween  movie. Last year was Son of Frankenstein and this year was Hokus Pokus (a Bette Midler best!)

In other news... 

The US had the Midterm elections recently and it was a bit of a let down. Im not too interested in getting into the gory details, but it was a reminder of how disconnected the political process is with reality here in the States.

But all is done and the world keeps on spinning! The trees are mostly dead and brown, the days are getting shorter, and I can no longer take my normal runs outside for fear of losing my limbs to the cold. I have to start readjusting to the long winter that is impending so that I dont lose my mind. Last year I had experienced seasonal depression for the first time and it was awful. I am doing my best to take measures to prevent it this year.

Looking forward to the Christmas and Holiday season is always fun, but after that its the long and dreary cold that offers little comfort. I have some little projects I will be starting up. I decided that I want to make my Halloween costume next year but that means I have to learn to sew...God help me! But I think it will be something good to keep my mind occupied.

As ever, I am still working on learning Svenska! Its going slow but Im enjoying it. More on that later!

Stay warm everyone!!! :)

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